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2024-03-03 21:07:01 体育新闻

Kobe Bryant has a total of four daughters. His first daughter is Natalia Diamante Bryant, born on January 19, 2003. Natalia's birth helped reconcile Kobe's relationship with his parents. His second daughter is Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant, born on May 1, 2006. Gianna was a talented basketball player who tragically passed away with her father in a helicopter crash in 2020. His third daughter is Bianka Bella Bryant, born on December 5, 2016. Lastly, his fourth daughter is Capri Kobe Bryant, born on June 20, 2019.

1. Natalia Diamante Bryant

Natalia, Kobe's eldest daughter, was born on January 19, 2003. She played basketball during her high school years and showed interest in modeling. As of now, she is pursuing her own education and career.

2. Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant

Gianna, affectionately known as Gigi, was born on May 1, 2006. She shared her father's passion for basketball and aspired to play in the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA). Tragically, Kobe and Gianna died together in a helicopter crash on January 26, 2020.

3. Bianka Bella Bryant

Bianka, Kobe's third daughter, was born on December 5, 2016. Not much information is available about her since she is still young, but she is often seen accompanying her mother and siblings in public appearances.

4. Capri Kobe Bryant

Capri, the youngest daughter of Kobe and his wife Vanessa, was born on June 20, 2019. Her birth brought immense joy to the family. Vanessa frequently shares pictures of Capri, showcasing their happiness.

Despite the tragic loss of Kobe and Gianna, Vanessa continues to raise their three surviving daughters. Natalia is now an adult, pursuing her own endeavors. The younger daughters, Bianka and Capri, are growing up with their mother's love and guidance. With Natalia's potential in the modeling industry and their family's resilience, their future looks promising.