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2024-01-01 14:12:44 体育新闻

The English translation for "下一届世界杯" is "the next World Cup". In this article, we will provide detailed information about the next World Cup, including its abbreviation, the host country, and some relevant facts. Let's dive into it!

1. The abbreviation of World Cup

The English abbreviation for World Cup is FIFA, which stands for the International Federation of Association Football. FIFA is the governing body for international soccer tournaments, including the World Cup.

2. The host country of the next World Cup

The next World Cup will be held in Qatar in 2022, making it the first time the tournament takes place in the Middle East. The official English name for the upcoming event is "FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022."

3. Argentina's participation in the World Cup

Argentina's national soccer team, led by star player Lionel Messi, is on track to qualify for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Finals. The team's strong performance in the qualification matches indicates their chances of participating in the next World Cup.

4. Details about FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

The upcoming World Cup will be the 22nd edition of the tournament. It will feature matches played in various stadiums across Qatar. The English translation of the event's name is "FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022," emphasizing the host country and the year of the competition.

5. Translation accuracy and language variations

The English translation provided in this article is believed to be accurate. However, in case of any discrepancies, the German version of the information is considered the authoritative source.


In conclusion, the English translation for "下一届世界杯" is "the next World Cup." The next World Cup will be held in Qatar in 2022, marking the first occasion the tournament takes place in the Middle East. The event is officially called "FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022" and will feature matches played in various stadiums across Qatar. Argentina's national team is on course to qualify for the tournament, and their participation will add excitement to the competition. As always, soccer fans around the world eagerly anticipate the grand stage of the World Cup and look forward to witnessing the spectacle of international soccer.