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2024-01-15 18:00:13 体育新闻

Two plus one in basketball refers to the situation where a player scores a basket and is fouled by an opponent while shooting. In this case, the player is awarded two points for the basket and one additional free throw. The term "two plus one" is widely used in basketball to describe this scoring play. Here is a detailed explanation of the relevant terms and concepts related to "two plus one" in basketball:

1. Basketball Terminology

Basketball the sport played by two teams of five players each, who try to score points by throwing a ball through the opponent's hoop

Two plus one the scoring play where a player scores a basket and is fouled, resulting in two points for the basket and one additional free throw

2. Bilingual Usage

They went on with their basketball match in spite of the rain. (Chinese: 他们继续进行篮球比赛,尽管下着雨。)

They went on with their basketball match in spite of the rain. (English: 他们继续进行篮球比赛,尽管下着雨。)

3. NBA Basketball Terminology

Positions: Guard, Forward, Center

Guard a player involved primarily in ball handling, passing, and playmaking

Forward a player who primarily plays in the frontcourt and is responsible for scoring and rebounding

Center a player who primarily plays near the basket and is responsible for rebounding and defending the opposing team's big men

Point Guard the player responsible for directing the team's offense, initiating plays, and distributing the ball

Shooting Guard the player responsible for scoring points and shooting from the perimeter

And One the term used when a player scores a basket and is fouled, resulting in the basket being counted and one additional free throw awarded

4. Basketball in English Language Learning

Q: How do you say "two plus one" in English when playing basketball? (Chinese: 打篮球时,打2+1,用英语怎么说呀?)

A: The expression "two plus one" is widely used to describe the scoring play in English.

5. Explanation of "and one"

The term "and one" is commonly used in basketball to indicate that a player has scored a basket and is fouled in the process. It signifies that the player will have an opportunity to earn one additional free throw. The phrase "and one" is often heard during basketball games when a player makes a difficult shot despite being fouled.

In conclusion, in the context of basketball, "two plus one" refers to the scoring play where a player scores a basket and is fouled, resulting in two points for the basket and one additional free throw. The term "and one" is commonly used to describe this situation during basketball games. By understanding these terms and concepts, basketball players and enthusiasts can effectively communicate and discuss scoring plays involving "two plus one" in basketball.