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2024-01-29 15:39:12 体育综合


Hou Zhihui, born on March 18, 1997, in Guiyang County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, is a member of the Chinese People's Congress Party. She is a Chinese weightlifter, holding the world and Olympic records in the women's 49kg weightlifting category at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.

1. The Rise of Hou Zhihui: From Rio Olympics to Tokyo Olympics

At the Rio Olympics in 2016, Hou Zhihui was supposed to wear the same competition uniform she wore in Tokyo five years later. This highlights her journey from the Olympics in Rio to her triumph in Tokyo.

2. Becoming the Olympic Champion: The 2020 Tokyo Olympics

On July 24, 2021, at the Tokyo Olympics, Hou Zhihui won the gold medal in the women's 49kg weightlifting category. She achieved a snatch of 94kg and a total score of 210kg, breaking the Olympic record and fulfilling her dream of winning the gold medal.

3. Breaking Records: World and Olympic Records

Apart from winning the gold medal at the Olympics, Hou Zhihui also holds the world and Olympic records in the women's 49kg weightlifting category. Her remarkable feat showcases her strength and skill in the sport.

4. Representing China: The Chinese Weightlifting Team

Hou Zhihui is a member of the Chinese weightlifting team and proudly represents China in international competitions. Her success is a testament to China's dominance in the sport of weightlifting.

5. Beyond Weightlifting: Personal Accomplishments

Hou Zhihui's achievements go beyond weightlifting. She was recognized as an international-level athlete at a young age and has broken numerous records throughout her career. Her dedication and determination have made her an exceptional athlete.

6. The 2023 Weightlifting World Championships

In September 2023, Hou Zhihui participated in the Weightlifting World Championships held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She competed in the women's 49kg category and won the silver medal with a total score of 211kg. Her performance highlights her consistent success in international competitions.


Hou Zhihui's journey from an aspiring weightlifter to an Olympic champion is truly inspiring. Her dedication, perseverance, and remarkable achievements make her a role model for aspiring athletes worldwide. As a representative of the Chinese weightlifting team and a record-breaker, Hou Zhihui's accomplishments have left a lasting impact on the sport and her fans.